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Diné College Libraries

Faculty Support: Home

Faculty Support


Course Reserves

Faculty may place materials on reserve for student use at the Help Desk. Materials may be items owned by the Diné College Libraries or personal copies. Students can then check out reserve items for in-library use. Loan periods are typically 2 hours. All photocopied materials must meet the requirements of U.S. Copyright law. 


Copyright Guidelines

Material Copyright Restrictions
Articles No more than 2 articles from a single issue without copyright permission from the copyright holder.
Book Chapter No more than 2 chapters from a book without copyright from the copyright holder.
Library Books All books can be placed on paper course reserves.
Journal Issue Faculty can place a personal copy of the original journal on paper course reserves but photocopies of entire issues cannot be placed on course reserves without copyright permission(s) from the copyright holders(s)
Media All media can be placed on course reserves.
Personal Copy Faculty’s personal copies of books and articles can also be placed on course reserves. Copyright restrictions continue to apply. The library is not responsible for items lost or damaged by student borrowers. 


Library Instruction

The Diné College Libraries is committed to teaching and reinforcing information literacy skills in our campus communities. To schedule a library instruction session for your class, please fill out the Library Instruction Request Form. A Librarian scheduled to teach your class will contact you as soon as possible to confirm instruction details. Please note:

  • Please give notification of requests at least two weeks in advance. 
  • Instructors MUST attend instruction sessions
  • Please align sessions with existing assignments or research tasks